The quagmire in healthcare in most of the developed countries is due to excessive variability in quality of care contributing to inefficiency, increasing costs, inappropriate incentives and capricious coverage. The system of measurement of health outcomes for different population and disease groups is rudimentary close to being non-existent. This is further complicated by slow adoption of evidence, lack of common data models and data definitions.

Dr. Madhuri Gandikota, Ph.D, founded Tapasvi in August 2012 at Santa Clara, sensing the open-data initiatives in healthcare across the globe. The volume of health-data is expected to increase by 1.2 to 2.4 exa-bytes every year. Tapasvi’s value proposition is to use health data to close the gap of evidence-based care into clinical practice using the concepts of observational research. Tapasvi’s overarching goal is to establish a globally consistent outcome measure that would enable the health systems all over the world to have a common set of outcomes to compare and perform. We envision these outcomes to be a common currency to measure the performance of the public health, shared decision making between patients and multi-disciplinary providers, align payer’s incentives and pharmaceutical industry with broad societal implications.

Madhuri has a track record of scientific credentials from world’s premier research institutions working with world-class leaders who dictated basic science in India, USA and Germany. She is known for her thinking “outside the box” and her contributions to basic molecular biology from genetic engineering to RNAi technology. She worked in pharmaceutical industry, clinical research, undergone Advanced Training in Clinical Research at UCSF and been invited for Global Health Delivery Intensive at Harvard School of Public Health.

About Pitch Events Portfolio News & Views Alliances Join Us Tapasvi’s founding and early product development story is a perfect example of coalescence of scientific enquiry with the revolutionary technology of SAP HANA. This collaboration has set us in the pathway of innovation to implementation. Our close knit product development team comprises of trusted partners. The IT team has twenty years of experience from several Fortune 500 companies. The IT team compliments Madhuri’s vision with technical prowess leading to the award of “Best Native Application in SAP HANA in SAPPHIRE 2014” for minimum viable analytical product DesignerData 1.0. In August 2015, Dr. David Young, Ph.D, M.Ph from Harvard University joined Tapasvi to contributing to an emerging area of behavioral psychology for NIH-SBIR grants. David brings his years of executive leadership and behavioral psychology.

HANA is young and enticing as it is a new-generation IT platform and few health solutions are available in 2013, giving us early adopter advantage. The technical features of HANA that can be leveraged for health care include: ability to harness disparate information within clinical, laboratory, claims data from structured or unstructured sources, interoperability of multitude of data repositories, real-time capabilities HANA that promises to have the precise information in a fraction of seconds at the point of care, predictive analysis library and machine-learning algorithms offering analytics on the fly to discern the noise from causes. Further, the ability of HANA platform models being able to connect into secure web interfaces, provides cutting-edge interactive visualizations for data on demand. Such interactive models supported with one back end HANA logic are tremendously useful to tailor solutions for several health care stake holders such as policy makers, payor’s, providers, patients and pharmaceutical industry. Further, the cloud platform offerings of SAP, possibility for reduced cost of stor age that had previously limited the processing and analysis of large data sets offered Tapasvi a great opportunity to conceive product development in HANA.

The co-innovations labs of SAP at Palo-Alto and the support of start-up-focus program team has tremendously helped us to be a lean-startup as we are pre-revenue, successfully develop a fully functional minimum viable product, DesignerData.

DesignerData is a wonderful example of bringing the future now. It began with an idea that massive health data need to be harnessed to provide meaningful patient-centric evidence based care.

Following are the important features of DesignerData.

Improvement of health outcomes: DesignerData is a re(imagined) descriptive analytic solutionthat captures the burden of obesity and related outcomes. These include: BMI, Waist hip ratios,blood pressure status, lipid profiles (LDL, HDL, Triglycerides, ApoB, CRP), and type 2-diabetes.The spectrum of diseases that can be analyzedinclude:cardiovascular diseases, stroke, angina,heart disease and heart attack. DesignerData helps to understand the A,B,C,D,S of heart health-Asprin use, Blood Pressure control, Cholesterol, Diabetes levels and Smoking cessation.Promote innovation in Health IT: Two years ago obesity is classified as disease. It is now a crisis, because, 2.1 B in the world are obese or overweight, and it costs about 2T dollars,accounts for 5% of death’s, and If positive changes are not made now about ½ the world will be obese or overweight in the next 15 years. This is a crisis. American Heart Association wants to reduce the obesity 25% in the next five years, And World Heath Organization wants it down in the 10 years. This needs innovation in Health care.

Burden of disease: Understanding the frequency of all the outcomes measured as counts, prevalence during or at a point of time, and percentage of effected individuals. Thus, it takes a snap shot of patient circumstances that can be addressed in an integrated way to promote care value delivery chain, help countries to align with the Millennium Development goals.Characteristics of the population. Designerdata provides information about who is getting thedisease, where is it occurring, and how is it changing over time.

Patient risk stratification: The disease frequency among patients can be visualized, stratifiedasdistinctage/race/ethnicity/sex/smoking categories. Such stratification of disease
frequencies allows to estimate the needs of medical facilities for allocating resources to
rationalize the service lines, deepen teams by offering specific services based on medical

Following are the important features of DesignerData.

Improvement of health outcomes: DesignerData is a re(imagined) descriptive analytic solution
that captures the burden of obesity and related outcomes. These include: BMI, Waist hip ratios,
blood pressure status, lipid profiles (LDL, HDL, Triglycerides, ApoB, CRP), and type 2-diabetes.
The spectrum of diseases that can be analyzed include: cardiovascular diseases, stroke, angina,
heart disease and heart attack. DesignerData helps to understand the A,B,C,D,S of heart health-
Asprin use, Blood Pressure control, Cholesterol, Diabetes levels and Smoking cessation.

Promote innovation in Health IT: Two years ago obesity is classified as disease. It is now a
crisis, because, 2.1 B in the world are obese or overweight, and it costs about 2T dollars,
accounts for 5% of death’s, and If positive changes are not made now about ½ the world will be obese or overweight in the next 15 years. This is a crisis. American Heart Association wants to
reduce the obesity 25% in the next five years, And World Heath Organization wants it down in the 10 years. This needs innovation in Health care.

Burden of disease: Understanding the frequency of all the outcomes measured as counts,
prevalence during or at a point of time, and percentage of effected individuals. Thus, it takes a snap shot of patient circumstances that can be addressed in an integrated way to promote care
value delivery chain, help countries to align with the Millennium Development goals.Characteristics of the population. Designerdata provides information about who is getting the disease, where is it occurring, and how is it changing over time.Patient risk stratification: The disease frequency among patients can be visualized, stratified as distinct age/race/ethnicity/sex/smoking categories. Such stratification of disease frequencies allows to estimate the needs of medical facilities for allocating resources to rationalize the service lines, deepen teams by offering specific services based on medical conditions.

Disease determinants and identify adverse outcomes: Designerdata provides information on the factors that bring about change in person’s health, could be causal or preventative. It helps to identify risk factors for poor health outcomes and also the factors that facilitate positive outcomes. Programs can be developed to prevent/promote these risk factors and evaluate impact of a specific intervention.

Reduction of costs through earlier detection of disease: It empowers patients to take
responsibility for health, manage health through life style changes, obtain care and testing, gather information on medical conditions, seek help and advice and help to predict the future healthcare needs.

Customization of care at the level of the individual patient (personalized
medicine): Visualization of data helps patients to understand disparities and variations and
begun acting on data for personal improvement. It also helps to understand and harvest valid and precise information for providers about the causes and prevention of disease.

Quality measures: It enables a one to measure success, quality of heath care, results of
treatment, understand the co-relations and contextualize it to a specific group of patients.

Decreases duplicate care : Having one set of outcome measures, allows one to elimination of
unnecessary and duplicate care, elimination of erroneous, improper, and fraudulent claims
Product Development Platform for Fashion
HANA Curious? – Predictive Analytics Library
Healthcare gets the IT Treatment

Finally, harnessing meaningful information from wealth of bio-medical data sets per evidence based medicine guidelines supports the entire Care Delivery Value Chain.

Notable Milestones: 08/12 Founded, Tapasvi Clin-MolBio Solutions Inc.
06/13 Member, SAP Startup Focus
08/13 SAP Co-Innovation Labs Palo Alto
05/14 Finalists for SAP Startup Focus in two categories
a) Best Native HANA Application b) Most Social Impact.
06/14 Best Native HANA Application, by Prof. Hasso Plattner, Founder of SAP.
10/14 SAP Partner- SAP Integration Certification (ICC Certification)
10/14 Joint press release approved by SAP to announce DesignerData1.0
10/14 SAP Partner through ICC certification and “Powered By HANA”
06/15 Selected for APP Expo Live and App DEMO booth, Health Data Palooza
06/15 Showcase at Tech-Connect World Innovation Conference and Expo
07/15 Invited to Global Health Delivery Intensive, T.H. Chan School of Public Health Harvard University
08/15 Testimonials from Harvard University

Designerdata provides information on
the factors that bring about change in person’s health, could be causal or preventative. It helps
to identify risk factors for poor health outcomes and also the factors that facilitate positive
outcomes. Programs can be developed to prevent/promote these risk factors and evaluate
impact of a specific intervention.

Reduction of costs through earlier detection of disease: It empowers patients to take
responsibility for health, manage health through life style changes, obtain care and testing,gather information on medical conditions, seek help and advice and help to predict the future healthcare needs.

Customization of care at the level of the individual patient (personalized
medicine): Visualization of data helps patients to understand disparities and variations and
begun acting on data for personal improvement. It also helps to understand and harvest valid and precise information for providers about the causes and prevention of disease.

Quality measures: It enables a one to measure success, quality of heath care, results of
treatment, understand the co-relations and contextualize it to a specific group of patients.

Decreases duplicate care : Having one set of outcome measures, allows one to elimination of
unnecessary and duplicate care, elimination of erroneous, improper, and fraudulent claims
Product Development Platform for Fashion
HANA Curious? – Predictive Analytics Library
Healthcare gets the IT Treatment submissions.

Finally, harnessing meaningful information from wealth of bio-medical data sets per evidence based medicine guidelines supports the entire Care Delivery Value Chain.

Notable Milestones:
08/12 Founded, Tapasvi Clin-MolBio Solutions Inc.
06/13 Member, SAP Startup Focus
08/13 SAP Co-Innovation Labs Palo Alto
05/14 Finalists for SAP Startup Focus in two categories
a) Best Native HANA Application b) Most Social Impact.
06/14 Best Native HANA Application, by Prof. Hasso Plattner, Founder of SAP.
10/14 SAP Partner- SAP Integration Certification (ICC Certification)
10/14 Joint press release approved by SAP to announce DesignerData1.0
10/14 SAP Partner through ICC certification and “Powered By HANA”
06/15 Selected for APP Expo Live and App DEMO booth, Health Data Palooza
06/15 Showcase at Tech-Connect World Innovation Conference and Expo
07/15 Invited to Global Health Delivery Intensive, T.H. Chan School of Public Health Harvard University
08/15 Testimonials from Harvard University