Burden Now and Future Estimates of Chronic Disease among Adults
Chronic conditions (CC) is mainly attributed to the current trends in the population growth, and disease dynamics threatening the financial health of the world and US in particular. By year 2030 the number of Americans with three or more chronic conditions would be about 83.4 million and that would cost US economy about 42 Trillion. People with multiple chronic conditions are more
likely to be hospitalized , have more doctors visits, receive more inpatient and post-acture care services , have more ER visits, have higher rates of 30 day readmissions.
Elderly and Chronic conditions and cost implications- A deep Dive:
Infact, chronic conditions account for the most of the total medicare spending of 707.4 Billion currently amounting to 3.7 % of GDP. In 2017, the number of medicare enrollees amounted to around 55 million people (17% of Americans). Infact, every day about 10,000 older adults are added to the medicare pool. By the year 2030 the elderly are expected to grow to 80 Million and an increase in medicare outlays of up to 1,521 billion U.S. dollars in 2028 to 5.1% of GDP. Further, whereas the projected number of medicare
beneficiaries for the year 2050 is expected to amount to 90.6 million enrollees. Proportional to the number of chronic conditions, medicare spending also increases. Data from 2012 health care
expenditure suggests that , a medicare beneficiary with one chronic condition spends about 2000 USD and that can rise to chronic conditions to 32,658 forpeople with >6 chronic conditions.
costs about 18,000 USD per patient. It is found that the most expensive Dyad among medicare patients is Ischemic heart disease and high
cholesterol costing about 20,500 USD per patient.
Prevalent DYADS/Triads among FFS Medicare Beneficiaries and costs
Given the paradigm shift towards the virtual care teams and remote patient monitoring comprising of connected devices, and smart cloud allowing sharing of data, our interactive rule based data analytic platform, DesignerData 1.0 is a patent pending analytic solution that supports multiple chronic cardiovascular conditions. These include, BMI, Waist hip ratios, blood pressure status, lipid profiles, and insulin levels. In addition, the spectrum of cardiovascular events that can be analyzed include: cardiovascular diseases, stroke, angina, heart disease and heart attack . Such comprehensive analytic platform can serve as common database for multiple reporting systems to engage patients, provides actionable insights to health care providers, payors, and a variety of population health metrics to health policy makers.